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Theme Project is a Module at the University of Greenwich in which there is just over a week to pick and site and create a design that deals with a certain ‘theme’ such a carbon sequestration in London.


Theme: Carbon Sequestration


​​The idea is to build a large experimental aquarium in the Millenium Mills Jetty of the Royal Victoria Docks. That acts as an educational, recreation and scientific place of interest.


The tank will provide a large amount of water volume for aquaculture of many different types of plankton. 


Plankton in the open ocean at as a huge canbon sink; absorbing carbon from the atmosphere then sinking to the bottom of the ocean, keeping that carbon stored.

Theme Projects

Rags to Riches


Theme: Densification



​​The idea is to use PDL, Previously Developed Land in London to create biophilic habitat to benefit people and wildlife. 


The housing has to meet requirements for sustainability and have low impact on the environment. The project enables experimentation with new concepts for small-scale housing.


The aim is to create spaces in London where the natural environment is appreciated and integrated into everyday life as well as reassessing what we require from a home in the city.

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